Update Since the Flood at David Christopher's

Update Since the Flood at David Christopher's

The Flood Changed Things. 

When our store flooded in February, we were in disbelief. It was terribly sad to see so much of our hard work a disastrous mess. We lost so much including valuable information which helps us to run more effectively. 

We had to immediately come up with a game plan, which included opening a store in Florence, so we could begin to make sales as soon as possible. Our main concern was keeping our employees employed. We didn't want anyone, including ourselves, to lose a job. 

Community Changed Things. 

Our local community, including our church, showed up and showed out as they helped us to clean, organize, tear out, and rebuilt. Countless hours were spent helping us get things in operational order as soon as possible. 

Volunteers arrived from all over bringing food, hugs, water, and good cheer. The outpouring was such a blessing to us. People inspired us daily with encouragement to keep going. 

God Changed Things. 

The faithfulness of the Lord has been evident throughout the process from day one. He has guided our steps and helped us to make decisions we weren't capable of making without His guidance. 

We currently have two stores open: the temporary location in Sheffield--which could become permanent, and our Sheffield, flagship store. 

June 15, 2019, the Sheffield store will close for renovations while Florence remains open. Many things need to happen to prepare our store for the holiday season. 

Opening Day for Sheffield: September 2. 

When the Sheffield store reopens, it will be all decked out for Christmas complete with a 450 square feet Gingerbread House. It is going be awesome. 



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